Wednesday, June 6, 2007

By the way...I created a blog

Yes so the deed has finally been done. Actually it was done more than a week ago - the creation part that is. I've been surprised at how daunting posting on a blog can be. You see my plan was to create my own space on the internet - somewhere for me to crystallise the concoction of thoughts in my head (see I'm sounding poetic already!) and 'just be me'. Now the 'just be me' part has actually been quite difficult because what if 'me' is quite unimpressive and, quite frankly, boring? So for the past week I've been trying to come up with something so original, so thought provokingly simple, so Nobel-prize-winnable...that (much like my blog page) my mind was just a complete blank. I finally concluded that nothing could be more unimpressive and boring than a blank blog and, therefore, (voila!) you have my very first post.

I must say, it's turned out to be quite good and has set things in motion so expect to be hearing from me shortly.

Oh yes, I meant to explain why I chose 'By the Way' for my title. Well firstly it happens to be one inane phrase (from a long list of inane phrases) that I use all too often, not to mention the name of a brilliant song by the best band in the world -RHCP. But I've also found that many a revelation is discovered 'by the way', when you're busy looking for something else. I'm hoping that I'll make such revelations about myself and the rest of the world through this blog...and I have a feeling most of it is going to be 'by the way'.


The Greatest Midget said...

by the way i tried to say i'd be there....but i couldn't
so heres a comment

blah blah blah

Perakath said...


Perakath said...

more comments soon

Perakath said...

this is adit btw, not vix

Unknown said...

yup... u need to start someplace and a "blank" post is one of the many ways to go about the blog thingy...