Tuesday, February 26, 2008

you were saying...?

Ok, so it's been a almost a year *sheepish grin*...by the way, it's been an extremely eventful year. For one, I got in to Law School (it's still hard to believe) and am two trimesters into college life. Partly responsible for my lack of writing in this space is the fact that there's been a large amount of it required at college. Every course (yes, all 60 of them) demands a project (or "research paper" as we like to call it when we want to feel just a little more scholarly) of around 5000 words. If you ask me, it's the best part of the course - not only the opportunity to learn but also the opportunity to create. Imagine, all you are given is a word or phrase (a.k.a., your new, shiny project topic) and yet what comes out of that word is seething hate over 'Blood Diamonds' or surprising philosophy about 'Virtual Communities' or even 5000 words of absolute nonsense regarding wheat trade between the US and Canada (but 5000 words all the same). It's amazing what's in a word. Don't get me wrong, squeezing out 5000 words can be an EXTREMELY painful process but I'm sure even the skeptics love feeling the weight and thickness of a finished "research paper" in their hands.

It's what we all yearn for at the end of the day - a voice. It's why we create blogs. It's tough when voices aren't heard, the same way it's aggravating when I know that my Prof hasn't read a word of my paper. But sometimes I think it's good enough that YOU have heard your own voice. What I mean is, Life can sometimes seem so pointlessly mechanical that it's nice to know that there's SOMETHING that makes you want to speak up.